Wednesday 17 March 2010

How Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

How Time Flies When You Are Having Fun - three weeks since I last posted . You would hope that I had been training relentlessly for the Virgin London Marathon. Well not quite, but, I havebeen doing some training and I am getting fitter. I am a bit of a fair weather trainer and when the weather was cold and damp I didn't do a huge amount of miles. In fact in the first week of March I didn't run at all!!

Now its mid April and spring has sprung. The flowers are coming out, birds are singing and more significantly it is light in the early evening so I can get out for a run round the fields and along the Flitch Way - so much more fun than running along the pavements in orange light and uneven pavements. It is amazing just how uneven the pavements in Braintree are.You just can't run at a decent speed on the pavements without risking some sort of injury.

It is about five weeks till the marathon so there is not a huge amount that can be changed.  A little bit of extra strength and some more speed would still be good. Also I could do with losing a little bit of weight still.

I tried to use Greeene King IPA to recover from a 14 mile run on Saturday. The thing is that if you are a bit dehydrated the alchohol is absorbed a little quicker and it heightens the emotions. So I was doubly disappointed watching the England rugby. Where is the zip and enthusiasm and aggression. Not  once did a forward try to counter ruck, not once did a player kick and chase and try to recover the ball,  not once did a England force a turnover. I think England have to get a scrum half who passes quickly, a  running flyhalf and fullback and a couple of dynamic forwards such as Courtney Lawes not a a load of donkeys.

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