Friday 20 February 2009

Sugar and honey

Two beers which sound the same from their description but are very different. It seems that the fairtrade honey and sugar are very much sweeter than the non fairtrade stuff. I actually preferred the BeeWyched even though it was much sweeter than the Waggle dance so it could be "desert beer". I would normally prefer a hoppier more bitter beer so I was surprised to find I liked the Beewyched best. I know I like Wells beers so now I will have to go off and get a few more bottles of Wychwood beers to assess the quality of this brewery

BeeWyched Honey'd Ale (Wychwood Brewery)

Buzzing with flavour this pale golden lightly honey'd ale has a delicate floral aroma and hints of citrus and dried fruit followed by the full bittersweet flavours of malt, honey and grapefruit.

Brewed using Chilean Fairtrade honey and Fairtrade sugars from Malawi, BeeWyched is our first Fair Trade beer.

ABV: 5.0%
Bottle: 500ml
Cask: seasonally
Hops: Fuggles Challenger and Cascade
Malts: English Pale Ale, Crystal
and Fair Trade Honey

Wells Waggle Dance (Wells and Young's)

Unusual name, unusual beer! The “Waggle Dance” is the movement a bee performs to alert the hive to a source of nectar. The Waggle Dance beer is a beautifully balanced, sneakily seductive, golden coloured beer. it is popular both as a cask ale (Alc. 4.0% Vol.) and in 500ml bottle (Alc. 5.0% Vol.) across a wide range of beer lovers both male and female and of all (legal) drinking ages.

A striking pump clip and bottle label designs ensure high awareness to Waggle Dance amongst drinkers in both the On- and Off-Trade

Amber beer with a touch of honey on the nose and palate. The sweetness is balanced by a healthy dose of hops to provide the bitterness that gives a wonderfully delicate flavour.”

Pale Ale and Crystal malts and British Fuggle and Golding hops, together with South American honey, combine perfectly to create this delicious golden ale with a superb honey aroma.

Waggle Dance’s renowned consistency and quality delivers high yields and is quick to drop bright (usually within 24 hours).

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