Monday 16 March 2009

Memory Lane

Coming home at 3:00 am stone cold sober having not passed a drop of alcohol through my mouth is a strange position. I saw something I had forgotten all about - a milk man delivering doorstep pints. I had forgotten about the crashing of milk crates and the jingle of glass bottles. Then as I neared home I saw a near neighbour who has a market stall leaving for work. So what would I choose to drink but an old fashioned beer a dark mild, Black Dog from Elgoods. I originally bought the bottle because I liked the name, my Dad used to always have a black Labrador. I didn't actually look to see what kind of beer it was. I discovered it was a CAMRA award winning traditional dark mild brewed with roasted barley and crystal malt along with Fuggles hops. This really brough back memeories of drinking pints of Mild as a student in the early 80's. It has a low ABV of 3.6% which means it comes in under 2 units of alcohol. I liked the beer but I wouldn't want to drink multiple pints of it but it comes from a nice little old family brewer in Wisbech in North Cambridgeshire. I can remember visiting in the early 90's when the were making alcohol free bitter and still using steam driven water pumps. You can find out more about the brewery here

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